The Independence Business Alliance (“IBA”) strives to recognize, promote, and improve LGBTQ businesses and the LGBTQ business community and to uphold the highest standards of excellence, integrity, and respect. Members of the IBA understand and, as a condition of membership, agree to act consistently with these standards, which include, but are not limited, to the following principles:
- At all times, including use of social media, Members will conduct themselves with honesty, integrity, respect, fairness, and in a manner that does not bring the IBA into disrepute, in working with customers, clients, employees, contractors, partner organizations, and other third parties;
- Members will support the values and goals of the IBA, as well as supporting the LGBTQ community in general, in a positive, inclusive, and constructive manner;
- Members will be accessible and accountable to customers and clients and will make every reasonable effort to act in the best interests of customers and clients;
- Members will not engage in discrimination or harassment based upon race, ancestry, ethnicity, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, disability, sex, real or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or on the basis of any other characteristic protected by law;
- Members will not use or condone advertising that is untrue, misleading, deceptive, fraudulent, falsely disparaging, and/or that contains insincere offers to sell. Members will not use or condone advertising that, as a whole, is misleading or results in misrepresentation by direct statement, inference, or omission;
- Members will conduct business with a strict adherence to applicable laws and to applicable business and/or professional codes pertaining to the particular business and/or industry. Members will conduct business in accordance with generally accepted business ethics and practices; and
- Members will not, whether directly or indirectly, seek to use the benefits or privileges of membership for any improper purpose.
The IBA, acting through the Board of Directors and consistent with the IBA’s duly enacted Bylaws, reserves the right to review membership based on adherence to and/or alleged violations of the standards described herein.