IBA Receives $15,000 Matching Grant from the Delaware Valley Legacy Fund for Student Scholarship Fund

The Independence Business Alliance is pleased to announce its scholarship partner, The Delaware Valley Legacy Fund, has contributed $15,000 towards a matching grant, to create an endowment for its scholarship fund.

The scholarship is awarded annually to a local, LGBTQA undergraduate student currently enrolled in a business-related discipline.   The 2015 Scholarship of $2,500 was awarded to Robert Reid, a Drexel University sophomore, at the Scholarship Award Ceremony on April 8th.

Thanks to this generous matching grant from The Delaware Valley Legacy Fund, supporters of IBA have the opportunity to make a tax-deductible donation to support the annual scholarship and DOUBLE THEIR DONATION!  Your gift will be matched dollar for dollar by the Delaware Valley Legacy fund (up to $15,000) – doubling the impact of your support! This is a tremendous opportunity for the IBA and its members to work together to foster future LGBTQA business leaders in our area.

Please consider a personal or corporate donation to help support this cause.  To donate to the IBA/DVLF Scholarship matching grant, please contact IBA Executive Administrator at jadeg@thinkiba.com or call (215) 557-0190.